The Greatest (HOA) Show on Earth

Ladies and Gents, this is the moment you've probably not been waiting for... boom💥... boom💥!

It's our HOA Meeting , coming to you LIVE on January 18, 2024, at The Avenue Church Venue, 7:00 PM. Get ready for the most 'thrilling' evening since you last watched paint dry.

🌟 Let's Spotlight our Glamorous Agenda 🌟
Financial Presentation: Imagine an action movie, but swap out the explosions for spreadsheets and the car chases for budget forecasts. It's a thrilling dive into the world of financial acrobatics, where each pivot table and bar graph is a plot twist.

Old Business: Remember those issues from last year? They're back, like a sequel no one asked for.

New Business: New year, new drama. Strap in for a thrilling ride of decision-making twists and community turns!

Q & A Session: Time to unleash those questions you've been storing up all year. We're all ears (and maybe a few eyes glazing over).

New Board Election: Witness the suspense as Paul Box gets re-elected as President by default, or will one brave soul dare to dream? Everyone knows it's the most coveted non-paying job in town.

Motion to Adjourn: The part of the night everyone's been eagerly awaiting. Will we break our record for longest meeting ever?

Alas, we're forgoing refreshments. Instead, let the 'From Now On' thrill of board elections be the spectacle that sustains us. So, come join us for a night where our community, like the anthem in our hearts, embraces a bit of confusion and a touch of commotion. It will be a gathering that promises, from now on, a bit more than your average party.

Like an Anthem in our Hearts,
Spring Creek Grove Board